P O I N E E R I N G   G L A S S

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Twentieth issue of web page by Colin & Sue Brain (cbrain@interalpha.co.uk)June 2002. Copyright Colin & Sue Brain 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002. This material may be freely copied and used provided that the source is acknowledged, except that the use of substantial excerpts from this work in material offered for sale requires our express agreement. This page is entirely not-for-profit, and the 'Pioneering' titles were adopted in 1996 as being suitable descriptors. Web searches using the normal search engines have not indicated that these terms are in use by other organisations. However, should these terms be in use by any other body, no connection with any profit making organisation or the services they provide is intended or implied.
Colin & Sue Brain would like to acknowledge the help they have received in the research that has produced the material in these pages. We would particularly like to thank the many Museum, Record Office and Library staff who have patiently responded to our requests for information. We would also like to acknowledge our gratitude to the late R.J.Charleston, without whose help and support none of this work would have been started.
Site design by Storm Designs inkubus@interalpha.co.uk.